Welcome to 2019! We hope you’ve had a restful break and are rearing to head into the new year with new energy and a renewed sense of positivity. It’s at times like these that it’s good to reflect on the year before and decide how we’re going to do things better this time around. We’ve already given you some ideas on how to take back control of your finances in 2019, as well as some awesomely affordable things to do this holiday season, so let’s continue the trend with a reminder of the many savvy ways you can earn and save with bsmart.

We all want a holiday free of drama and worry, but you’ll only be sitting on that hot beach under a stripy umbrella if you’ve made thorough plans – starting with your vehicle.

Christmas shopping, end-of-season sales, Black Friday and annual bonuses – before you rush off on a shopping spree, here are six tips to help you shop smart and save a little money.

November. It’s that time of the year for smooth-faced men the world over to get in touch with their primal side, cast their razors aside and proceed to cultivate that sometimes fuzzy, sometimes extravagant, often disarming display of facial hair known as the moustache. And while not many will manage to decorate their upper lip with the panache of, say, a Tom Selleck or a Ron Burgundy, we have to give credit for trying. It is, after all, for a good cause.

The December holidays aren’t far away and while it’s the perfect time to have fun with friends and family, you can only truly relax if you’re confident that your home is secure while you are away. If you’re heading out of town at the end of the year, here are six security tips that will help you keep your home and possessions safe.

Imagine no longer having to worry about that 9-5 day, the stress of beating traffic to work or office politics? While most people would love the luxury of being able to retire early, in an increasingly tough economy – those days seem long gone.

Holidays are fabulous. You can explore new cities, eat unusual food, visit interesting landmarks, learn words in a different language and maybe even make some friends.

But as much as we love expanding our minds and getting new stamps in our passports, the current economic climate is forcing many of us to rethink our idea of what constitutes a good holiday. To persuade you to be a “staycationer” this December, here are a few perks of this type of holiday and a few suggestions of things to do.

The issue of fraudulent activity in South Africa isn’t a small one and there’s no doubt that it is increasing. The recent 2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey conducted by PwC South Africa, has delved into the issue and uncovered that the global average rate of reported economic crime is listed as 49%. And in the case of South Africa? We’re sitting at 77%, making us the country with the highest instances of economic crime in the world.