Please do not panic, but please be careful! If all of us take the necessary precautions, whether you are at risk or not, we can #FlattenTheCurve together.

We’re just about ready to say goodbye to a sweltering summer and welcome autumn when the leaves turn brown, we cool off and slow down. But that doesn’t mean we have to stay at home and wish away the days. Here are a few events that will keep you on your toes all the way into mid-April. Mark your calendars, get your tickets, and get ready to party!

So, we’ve almost made it through the first week of March and the daily commute is getting you down. We know the feeling. Even though remote work or work from home opportunities are on the rise, most of the workforce either needs to be physically present to do their jobs or work for a company who has yet to embrace the freedom of working from home. Not to mention all the young ones on their way to school every day of the week. 

Most things in life don’t come free, but every 4 years, on a leap year, we get a whole extra day in the lovely month of February completely ‘mahala’, ‘gratis’, free! 2020 is a leap year, this means we have an extra day to live our life to the fullest. This year, our free day falls on a Saturday, so you are free to do whatever you want with your bonus 24 hours. 

Hit snooze a few times before getting up every morning? Just face it, you’re delaying the inevitable! Getting up and out of bed as soon as your alarm starts blaring is a difficult task for most of us. But how can you change your mindset and become more of a morning person than you currently are?

How’s 2020 treating you so far? If you’re still lazing around the pool, we’ve got news for you! There’s no better time to get fitter and healthier than right now! The kids are almost back at school so it’s the perfect time to focus on you!

The Christmas jingles have barely stopped playing in the shops when they bust out the red hearts, boxes and boxes of chocolate and fluffy teddy bears. Yep, it’s that time of year, and whether you like it or not, you’ll be surrounded by everything mushy and cushy and lovey-dovey. 

Happy New Year! We’ve celebrated and looked onto 2020 with stars in our eyes. But now it is time to get real. You probably made a few new year’s resolutions for yourself. But let’s be honest, did you stick to your 2019 resolutions and do you even remember what they were?