bsmart has undergone significant changes to evolve our business. These changes have been tough but also very rewarding. It is undeniably our intention to grow and improve, to the point where we can reward you with a bigger, more satisfying bonus. Read more from bsmart Managing Director Marthinus Fourie.

Growing our Greatness

Over the past 3 years the business experienced lots of change. We fixed certain processes and systems, we refreshed our corporate identity, provided training, appointed key staff, built a platform for volume growth, moved away from manual processes and launched a mobile App. We also launched an online application form, a new website and introduced a new electronic statement platform amongst others. All these changes was necessary to embark on an aggressive growth strategy. The past few years has therefore been very tough but also very rewarding for bsmart. The reason we are sharing this information with you, the reader and our very valued member is to assure you that we are constantly working on improving and evolving our business for your benefit. It is undeniably our intention to grow and improve to the point where we can reward you with a bigger, more satisfying bonus. So how will we get the required growth? Having the above mentioned in place will assist and enable us to become a nationally recognized household brand. Although growing a business to a national brand on a small budget is a challenge, we truly believe that we have invested enough to attract the attention of key role players and potential business partners who will enable us to expand our business and grow our national footprint immensely. We are slowly seeing the results of our efforts in the 30% increase in membership over the past year and hope that this number will continuously increase.

Goed, beter, beste, bsmart

In die afgelope 3 jaar het ons besigheid baie veranderinge ondergaan. Ons het verskeie prosesse en stelsels herevalueer en opgeknap. Ons het nuwe lewe in ons handelsmerk en korporatiewe-identiteit geblaas, verdere opleiding verskaf en nuwe aanstellings in sleutelposisies behartig, ‘n platform gebou wat volumegroei kan handhaaf, wegbeweeg van baie ou prosesse, ‘n selfoon-toepassing (App) bekendgestel, ‘n elektroniese aanlyn-aansoekvorm beskikbaar gemaak, ‘n nuwe webtuiste geloods, asook ‘n nuwe elektroniese rekeningstaat-platform – om net ‘n paar te noem. Dit alles voor ons kon begin met ‘n aggressiewe groei-strategie. Die afgelope paar jaar was dus inderdaad baie moeilik en uitdagend, maar ook baie belonend vir ons. Die rede waarom ons hierdie inligting met jou deel is om jou te verseker dat ons voortdurend besig is om ons besigheid te ontwikkel en verbeter tot jou voordeel. Dit is ongetwyfeld ons missie om te groei tot op die punt waar ons jou met ‘n groter, meer bevredigende kontantbonus kan beloon. So hoe kry ons die verlangde groei-syfers? Al die bogenoemde sal ons uiteindelik in staat stel om ‘n nasionaal-herkende handelsmerk te bou. Alhoewel dit ‘n uitdaging is om ‘n besigheid op ‘n klein begroting, nasionaal te groei, glo ons dat ons genoeg geinvesteer het om verskeie sleutelrolspelers en potensiële sakevennote te kan nader. Vennootskappe met laasgenoemde sal help om ons besigheid en nasionale dekking (ledegroei) geweldig uit te brei. Ons sien stadig maar seker die resultate van ons insette in die 30% toename in lidmaatskap oor die afgelope jaar en hoop dat die syfers voortdurend sal toeneem.