So many aspects of our daily lives are influenced by the fuel price, not just the money spent on transport. According to Netstar, when the fuel price increases, you’ll be paying more for entertainment, food, service providers’ call-out fees and it can even negatively affect rental prices. Although we can’t help lower costs, we can help you to change your driving behaviour (so you use less fuel) and by paying out cashback for your everyday purchases; moreover, you’ll be safer when you’re behind the wheel. So, what can you do to reduce your fuel consumption?

1. Enjoy a smooth drive

The harder your engine works, the more fuel it’ll burn. When you speed or race from a stationary position and suddenly brake, you make your engine work harder. To drive more fuel efficiently, it’s best to drive slower and smoothly.

2. Use your gears correctly

Remember when you were cycling, and you had to work really hard when in the wrong gear? The same is true for your car. How Stuff Works advises you shift up if your car’s revs are climbing too high to maintain speed, and to shift down when you are pushing down hard on the accelerator when driving at a slow speed. If you are driving an automatic car, remember by driving smoother and building or reducing speed more elegantly, you’ll assist your car in “making better decisions” regarding the gear you’re in; hence, saving fuel.

3. Lose the kilos

The heavier something is, the more energy is needed to move it; thus, if your car is filled with luggage, it’ll use more fuel. Only keep your emergency items in the car and take your baggage out as soon as you can.

4. Lose the extras

The aerodynamics of your car have been specially designed for optimal fuel efficiency. What this means, for instance, is when you drive around with a roof rack, you upset the airflow and burn more fuel. So when you’re not using accessories, remove them.

5. Avoid traffic

If only, right? But if you spend less time idling in traffic, you can save a lot of fuel. Speak to your boss about your working hours and download a GPS app that indicates which traffic-heavy areas to avoid. You’ll be less frustrated and drive further per tank.

6. Drive smarter

Do you need to make more than one stop? Plan your route, to avoid driving sporadically. If you need to do grocery shopping, put a cooler bag in your car so you don’t have to worry about the ice cream melting while you drive around. Also, the more errands you can finish per trip means less driving.

7. Park better

Driving around in a parking lot searching for the spot closest to the entrance, is just a waste of time and fuel. Instead, park farther away from the entrance (as long as you’re safe) and walk a bit more. Best of all, the extra steps you take will do wonders for your health.

8. Stop idling

Being stationary while the motor is running, burns fuel unnecessarily. How Stuff Works suggests you put your car in neutral while waiting in a motionless position (for instance, at a robot or when picking someone up), and if you’re waiting for more than 60 seconds, switch off your engine.

9. Service your car

Keeping your car in a healthy condition, is not only good for your safety but it’s also more fuel efficient. When everything works as it should, things work smarter not harder. In addition, by keeping your car well-maintained, it’ll cost less to keep in the long run.

10. Use alternative transport

If it’s safe to do so, why not walk to places close by? Start a lift club, or use public transport. There are plenty of alternative transport options available, you must just do the maths to see which is cheaper. Remember as a bsmart member you can use your bsmart card to pay for fuel at any fuel station. In this way, you’ll be able to stay on top of your fuel spending and manage your monthly budget better. Best yet, we can find the closest station to you so you won’t waste fuel driving around – search for a station here. Disclaimer: bsmart does not provide financial advice. The above article is for information purposes only, to share current economic and financial topics and trends. Please consult a suitable and qualified financial services provider if you require financial advice.